Author Archives: bravotic
80% of the problems, caused by 20% of the bugs
If you’ve been around the internet for a long enough time, you’ve probably heard of the 80-20 principle, or Pareto Principle. For some reason, it seems like everything is linked to the proportion 80 to 20. For example, 80% of … Continue reading
The sad state of input methods on modern Linux
こんにちは、私はコリンです。よろしくおねがいします。 So… I decided this blog will also be a place for me to post rants. So lets start. I speak 4 languages: English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and Japanese. 2 of those 4 use a non Latin character set, so … Continue reading
So I finally got around to setting up a blog…
I’m going to be honest, I used to really make fun of wordpress, but its really easy to setup. Hopefully this is easier than my horribly janky system that used Blæst as a markdown parser that was terrible and barely … Continue reading