Tag Archives: Programming
Never forget who you are…
λx.x (Side note: I’m really debating whether or not to get this tattooed on my forehead when I inevitably start my lambda cult…)
On credit, attribution, and ownership
Over the past few months, I’ve found myself questioning more and more of my previous beliefs I’ve held for so long. This is due in part to taking Software Development with Matthias Felleisen, but also partly just because I’ve hit … Continue reading
JavaScript’s “history” methods are cool
Recently, I was writing a paper which required me to do a little historical background research. Through this I ended up on the website for Encyclopedia Britannica. As I was scrolling the page, I saw something that I hadn’t seen … Continue reading
Making a parser generator doesn’t have to be hard.
I’m inspired to write this because of Russ Cox’ regular expression blogpost, which follows a similar format, although I’m not about to compare my implementation to others. Recently, I decided to create a project called CCC, or Collin’s Compiler Creator, … Continue reading
Working on a new text editor…
So, as I’ve been teasing (for like 2 years at this point…) I am working on a text editor. Originally it was going to be based in the terminal, and using the Aquila virtual machine, then using Blæst, finally using … Continue reading
Switching to Apple
So, for pretty much all my life I’ve used Windows computers, and ever since 2016 pretty much used Linux full time. I used Linux as far back as 2011, with Ubuntu 11.10 being my first distro, however 2016 was when … Continue reading
80% of the problems, caused by 20% of the bugs
If you’ve been around the internet for a long enough time, you’ve probably heard of the 80-20 principle, or Pareto Principle. For some reason, it seems like everything is linked to the proportion 80 to 20. For example, 80% of … Continue reading